Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Offer Yourselves, Offer Yourselves to His Holy, Glorious and Blessed Heart for Ever and Ever
Message of Our Lady of Reconciliation to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on May 5, 2024, the Fifth Day of the Month

The Most Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of the Blessed Garden, of Graces, of Miracles, of Healings and Deliverances, of Heavenly Conversions and Consolations, came dressed all in resplendent white. She had twelve bright Stars around Her Head. Our Mother and Lady said:
Praised be Jesus Christ. Dear children, it is I, the Mother of God and your sweetest Mother. I urge you to intensify your prayers, your penances, your reparations, your fasts. Offer yourselves totally and completely to the Most Divine Heart of My Son Jesus, the Eternal God, the only true Christ, the only true Lord and Savior, the only true Redeemer and Deliverer.
Offer yourselves, offer yourselves to His Holy, Glorious and Blessed Heart for ever and ever.
I invite you to cling to My beloved Rosary and pray, especially in this month, from 7 to 8 p.m., the hour during which I remained alone, after the Death of My Son Jesus on Good Friday.
Pray, pray by the light of a blessed candle. I bless all the oil you have brought this day to My Holy Presence as Virgin of Reconciliation, Queen and Mother of Hope, Mediatrix of all Graces.
I invite you to come to this Holy and Blessed Place every 5th day of the month, to pray and meditate on the twenty Mysteries of the Rosary in My Honor.
I invite you to come to this Blessed, Holy Place where I descend from Heaven to bring you Peace, to bring you Blessings, to bring you healing of soul, body and mind.
I bless you all My children, with My Motherly Blessing, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Shalom My children, Shalom.